Zula Rabikowska at Europe House gallery

Zula Rabikowska at Europe HouseWithin the concept of #EuropeHousePresents and…

The second edition of the Sarajevo Photography Festival has closed

The second edition of the Sarajevo Photography Festival has closed. In three…

Otvorene prijave za radionice

Pozivamo sve zaljubljenike u fotografiju, kako početnike tako i profesionalce,…

Priča koja nema kraj

Kompanija BH Telecom je u mjesecu martu ove godine predstavila novi…

Record number of application at Sarajevo Photography Festival!

We are blown away by the response to our photography competition! With great…

Announcement: Submission Process Closed

We would like to inform you that the submission process for the Sarajevo…

Your second chance: Extended deadline for Sarajevo Photography Festival

Great News! There's still time to enter our Sarajevo Photography Festival…